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MBA7511: Inclusive Leadership

Credits 3

MBA7511 Inclusive Leadership
3 Credits

Inclusive Entrepreneurial Leadership will be a 3 credit graduate course delivered within the Certificate of Advanced Management (CAM) initiative at Babson College. 

Rationale: The CAMs team has identified extensive interest in the marketplace for a foundational course on inclusive leadership. 

This course begins with an overview of the business case for diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) and the imperative for inclusive leadership practices to drive innovation and growth. Students will build requisite “inclusion acumen” through self-assessments, experiential exercises, readings, peer discussion forums, and entrepreneurial action experiments designed to enhance inclusive leadership behaviors and effectiveness. Topics explored include implicit and explicit bias; identity, power and privilege; gender and women in the workplace; inclusion, bias and race; intercultural competence and workplace cultures. Through increased self-awareness, expanded mindsets and refined skill sets, students will be prepared to leverage difference as a strength as they co-create reciprocal value with their colleagues, employees, and other strategic stakeholders. 

Broader Perspective: If this course is successful, all or part will be available for inclusion within future DE&I focused courses within the undergraduate and graduate programs.  

NOTE: This course was designed with an intentional inclusion strategy. 20+ faculty and staff members from across the campus provided input and several have agreed to host deep dive office hours on their topic of expertise.

MBA7603: Special Topics: Global Enterprising

Credits 3

MBA7603 Special Topics: Global Enterprising
3 Credits

This course addresses the ways in which entrepreneurial value creation is affected by (and sometimes inspired by) social institutions and national business systems. In the proposed Miami Blended Learning program, we will provide students a chance to study the business environment of Latin America. The goal is to encourage students to practice Entrepreneurial Thought and Action (ET&A) within the institutional (e.g., social, political, cultural) environment in Latin America.

MBA7800: Babson Consulting Experience

Credits 3

MBA7800 Babson Consulting Experience
3 Credits

If you have taken and passed MBA7201, you cannot register for MBA7800, as these two courses are equivalent

During the Fall Semester all MBA students will be enrolled in the Babson Consulting Experience (BCE) and assigned to a team of five to six other one-year students to work on consulting project for a partner organization. Guided by a faculty advisor (who also is the instructor of the course), BCE teams work directly with company representatives to address a real organizational opportunity or challenge and create value-added solutions. 

A signature learning experience, BCE gives students an opportunity to deepen their understanding of conceptual and developmental tools learned in the classroom through hands-on applications in messy real-world contexts. Students will sharpen their ability to analyze and frame complex problems, and to effectively present insights and action recommendations, in both oral and written form.  Finally, by working in teams and with external organizations, students will have many opportunities to practice the teamwork and leadership skills that they will need as you continue your professional development.

**It is strongly recommended that students take this course after completing a majority of the core courses.**

Prerequisites: Minimum of 12 credits completed

MOB6110: Creating Entrepreneurial Leaders

Credits 3

MOB6110 Creating Entrepreneurial Leaders

MSEL Course

3 Credits

Creating You is designed to prepare students for the lifelong process of building and managing their career in a global context. Becoming an entrepreneurial leader is a process of self-discovery and self-creation that is enhanced by time for active experimentation and reflection. This course will guide students through the process of developing their professional identity and foster the skills necessary to navigate the journey after graduation.

MOB6600: Entrepreneurial Leadership

Credits 2

MOB6600 Entrepreneurial Leadership  

1.5 Credits 

(MSAEL Core)  

This course focuses on how to develop and deploy an entrepreneurial mindset as an organizational leader. It will examine key entrepreneurial leadership competencies, including how to mobilize and enlist others to get things done; how to develop emotional intelligence for leader effectiveness; how to cultivate positive work relationships; and, how to diagnose organizational dynamics and processes. There will be opportunity for practicing entrepreneurial leader behaviors including self-assessment and reflection, influencing and relationship building inside and outside the organization, organizational analysis, action planning, and peer coaching. Students will be exposed to a wide range of leaders and organizational contexts throughout the course and will be challenged to consider how to advance their own entrepreneurial leadership.

MOB6601: Strategic Problem Formulation

Credits 2

MOB6601 Strategic Problem Formulation 

1.5 Credits 

(MSAEL Core)  

This course prepares students to become effective problem solvers and lead strategic growth and renewal initiatives in companies. Through case studies on real-world business problems, students will become familiar with conducting analyses on industries and ecosystems, competitive advantages, organizational capabilities, and business models that enable them to identify strategic issues, challenges and opportunities facing companies, and formulate comprehensive problem-solving approaches that generate effective solutions.  

Prerequisites: EPS6600 and MOB6600

MOB6602: Strategic Transformation

Credits 2

MOB6602 Strategic Transformation
1.5 Credits (MSAEL core)
In order to effectively guide their organizations’ strategic renewal through innovation, company leaders must have a vision of what their companies will become. They must be able to envision, shape and imagine a future, design processes for ensuring that happens, and gain the company’s commitment to that shared vision. To execute on the strategic transformation agenda, a resource deployment plan must be implemented and metrics for tracking progress toward the future state need to be developed and monitored. In this course students will develop foresight skills, use them to draft domains of innovation intent and learn how to position those to company leaders.

Prerequisites: MOB6600 and EPS6600

MOB7200: Creating and Leading Effective Orgs

Credits 2

MOB7200 Creating and Leading Effective Organizations

2 Credits

Creating and Leading Effective Organizations (CLEO) - This course studies the core issues of entrepreneurial leadership: how to get things done when you can’t give orders, how to develop influence and build effective teams and organizations, and how to design and implement management structures and processes for high performance. There will be opportunity for practicing influence, stakeholder analysis and action planning skills.

MOB7201: Managing Talent: Your Own and Others

Credits 1

MOB7201 Managing Talent: Your Own and Others  

1 Credit 

The purpose of this course is to think strategically about the management of talent, your own in particular, but also the talents of those with whom you work. Talent management and development is the key to leveraging that most important of all business assets: people. This is an action-oriented course that will require you to self-assess, reflect, obtain feedback and create a development plan for attaining your career goals. Such an experience often equips individuals with the skills and desire to reassess how talent is managed and developed in their current organizations. In this course, you will learn how to effectively deploy your own talent and build the ability to identify and help to develop talent in others

MOB7202: Strategy

Credits 2

MOB7202 Strategy

2 Credits

This course focuses on strategic and competitive analysis to enable entrepreneurial action. How should we position our business strategically to compete effectively? What sources of competitive advantage can we create, exploit and sustain? What capabilities do we need to launch the business, grow the business, and adapt successfully to changes in the environment?

Prerequisites: MOB7200, EPS7200, MKT7200 and QTM7200

MOB7500: Strategy Execution

Credits 3

MOB7500 Strategy Execution
 3 Credits 

This course in Strategy Execution is designed to introduce students to the complexity, and challenges associated with implementing a developed strategy into both emerging and existing markets. There are three major objectives in the course. 

1. The first is to help students articulate a philosophy designed to guide in successfully executing strategic initiatives. Here, you will explore the concepts of intended versus emergent strategy, the operating environment versus the executing environment and the various levers of power available to managers to utilize in the successful execution of business-level strategy. 
2. The second objective is to explore both successful and unsuccessful firm-level strategy executions. Using the case method, we will explore the various levers of power available to managers analyzing and critiquing the outcomes of various firms’ efforts to execute a business level strategic initiative. 
3. The third objective is in two parts. The first part is to give students hands-on experience via an online simulation in strategy execution. Strategy execution is best learned by doing.  The intent is to expose students to the complexities of strategy implementation where information is incomplete and unanticipated challenges to implementing a strategy emerge from unexpected sources.  Students learn to prioritize, work within tight time schedules, learn to cope with limited resources, and respond to unexpected demands.  The second part is to fully demonstrate your understanding of the complex relationships that characterize strategy execution during the final exam. 

For more information:

Prerequisites: MOB7202 or MOB7801

MOB7507: Mentoring for the Entrepreneurial Leader: Catalyzing Your Networks for Career Advancement

Credits 2

MOB7507 Mentoring for the Entrepreneurial Leader: Catalyzing Your Network for Career Advancement
1.5 Elective Credits

Mentoring relationships are critical for career development and success in the 21st century. This course combines theory and practice to raise students' awareness of the value of developmental relationships for career advancement while providing experiential learning opportunities for building a developmental network of coaches, sponsors, and mentors --all of which are essential for career growth in today's complex work environment. Students will apply course concepts through a series of relationship building activities, peer circle and group discussions, peer feedback, and structured reflection exercises.

During this course, students pair with mentors through the Center for Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership, based on compatibility and their career interests. Students will apply concepts learned in class to manage their mentoring experience and build their developmental relationships. CWEL Mentors are alumnae and friends of the Babson community that are senior leaders or have 15+ years of professional experience, who are committed to making a difference in the lives of the next generation of leaders. They come from a variety of backgrounds and industries and have their own unique combination of expertise and networks to share.

NOTE: Students of all genders are welcome to enroll in this course

Prerequisites: None

MOB7511: Negotiations

Credits 3

MOB7511 Negotiation
3 Credits

Explores formal and informal ways that business professionals negotiate with colleagues, supervisors, employees, clients, suppliers, competitors, and others. Examines research and concepts developed in a number of academic fields, and looks closely at personal skills and experiences. Requires intense involvement in negotiation simulation exercises, and thoughtful application of theory and research.

Prerequisites: None

MOB7515: Talent Management:what Many Leaders Miss

Credits 3

MOB7515 Talent Management: What Many Leaders Miss

(Formerly Human Resources for High Performance)
3 Credits

The ability to manage people effectively provides a distinct competitive advantage for organizations. This course is for managers and current or future entrepreneurs who hope to capitalize on the connection between managing people and superior organizational performance, competitive advantage, profitability, and growth. This course will help you develop a conceptual understanding of organizational practices, strategies and tools that enable the most effective management of an organization’s human resources. The course is designed to answer the following fundamental question: What do managers and entrepreneurs need to know about human resources for organizational success?

For more information:  

Prerequisites: None

MOB7543: Building Inclusive Organizations

Credits 3

MOB7543 Building Inclusive Organizations

(Formerly Managing in a Diverse Workplace)
3 Credits

This course focuses on how to build inclusive organizations for enhanced innovation and performance. We will explore this essential topic for today’s business world through the lenses of social context, individual leadership, and organizational policy and culture.  The course begins by examining the opportunities and challenges to building inclusive organizations. Next, the course takes the personal perspective, considering what entrepreneurial leaders can do to build an inclusive organization. The course concludes with a focus on organizational policies and culture -- and how inclusive workplace practices contribute to positive outcomes. The emphasis throughout the course will be on how building inclusive organizations provides an opportunity for individuals and organizations to develop and thrive. Students will work independently and in learning groups.

For more information click this link:

Prerequisites: None

MOB7552: Leading Business Turnarounds

Credits 3

MOB7552 Leading Business Turnarounds

3 Credits

How (and why) does one catch a falling knife? The Leading Business Turnarounds course will address the strategic, financial, operational and organizational issues confronting senior executives managing a turnaround situation. It is intended to: impart the practical knowledge needed to assess the business and financial severity of a turnaround candidate; develop an action plan to address the immediate crisis conditions facing the organization; define how to evaluate and build the necessary management team to implement the mid-term stabilization plan; define the exit strategy options (sale, bankruptcy, shutdown, or revitalization) to be pursued; and create a communication plan for the critical stakeholders affected by corporate distress. Turnaround leadership styles and actions will be investigated. Students will develop familiarity with the management and organizational assessment tools used in turnaround situations. They also will understand the financial and managerial actions necessary for developing and implementing sound turnaround strategies. Importantly, organizational implications of these plans will be probed and discussed, with focus given on how people are affected by management's actions. Finally, students will learn situational turnaround leadership techniques for use in different turnaround situations.

For more information:

Prerequisites: FIN7200 or FIN7800 and MOB7202 or MOB7801

MOB7570: Leader Development:enable Change in Self&oth

Credits 3

MOB7570 Leader Development: Enabling Transformational Change in Yourself and Others

(Formerly Leadership)
3 Credits

The focus of this course will be on leader development. This course is appropriate for those who are or want to become leaders, and for students who want to understand leadership whether they aspire to a leadership role or not. The course assumes from the start the following. (1) Leaders develop themselves and do so primarily through and within their life experiences. Therefore, much of leader development is also personal development. (2) Learning to be a leader is an iterative process of reflection, assessment, planning, experimentation and practice, application of what we know, and developing supportive relationships. (3) Knowing (from theory and research) what other leaders have done, how they did it, and why, greatly informs the process of developing leader capacity. (4) You learn best when you understand and build on your current capability. (5) Openness to and wise use of feedback is essential as a basis for growth and development and ultimately effective leadership. With these assumptions, the course has the following objectives to help students develop as a leader: (1) explore the nature of leadership theory, principles, and practice and apply them to improve thinking, problem solving, and decision making; (2) better understand what constitutes effective leadership and what does not; (3) appreciate why leaders are needed at all levels in organizations and how they effectively influence, regardless of their position in the organization; (4) create a plan for your personal leader development as an initial step in developing your own leader capability; (5) increase your confidence and your impact and influence as a leader in whatever you decide to pursue. These objectives are achieved through readings, cases, experiential activities, practice in developmental coaching, receiving feedback, and putting into practice a model for sustainable leader development and change.

Prerequisites: None

MOB7580: Independent Research

Credits 3

MOB7580 Independent Research

1.5-3 Credits

Independent research is available for all academic divisions. Registration is manual for students through Graduate Programs and Office of Graduate Academic Services.

Independent Research provides an opportunity to conduct in-depth research in areas of a student's own specific interest. Students may undertake Independent Research for academic credit with the approval of a student-selected faculty advisor, the appropriate division chair, and Graduate Academic Services. Please note that a student is responsible for recruiting a faculty advisor through the student's own initiative and obtain the advisor's prior consent/commitment before applying for an independent research project. The research project normally carries 1.5 or 3 credits.

For more information and a proposal outline please visit:

MOB7800: Managing People and Organizations

Credits 2

MOB7800 Managing People & Organizations

2 Credits (Core MBA)

If you have taken and passed MOB7200, you cannot register for MOB7800, as these two courses are equivalent

Through the People & Organizations course you will gain a better understanding of your leadership and career capacity with a particular emphasis on developing your ability to think and act as an entrepreneurial leader. You will have multiple chances to reflect on who you are, how you work with others as you pursue an opportunity, and how this relates to you as a growing leader. This self-awareness forms the basis for your leadership development as we explore issues such as enlisting and motivating a diverse team, influencing and negotiating, cultivating a developmental network, and how to grow and align an organization to support new and innovative opportunities. You will have a variety of ways to practice and gain feedback on these skills.

MOB7801: Strategy

Credits 2

MOB7801 Strategy  

2 Credits 

(Core MBA)  

If you have taken and passed MOB7202, you cannot register for MOB7801, as these two courses are equivalent  

This integrative course focuses on strategic and competitive analysis to enable entrepreneurial action. How can we identify the main strategic issues facing our company? How should we position our business strategically to compete effectively? What sources of competitive advantage can we create, exploit and sustain? What capabilities do we need to launch the business, grow the business, and adapt successfully to changes in the environment? Students will need to demonstrate that they can write coherently about strategic developments and options.

MOB9527: Leading in a Connected World

Credits 2

MOB9527 Leading in a Connected World
1.5 Intensive Elective Credits

Meeting Dates TBD

The collaborative intensity of work has snowballed over the past decade as companies have transitioned to flatter or matrix-based structures, layered on collaborative technologies, adopted agile methodologies, deployed increasingly complex products and services, and integrated operations across the globe. Collaborative time demands have risen more than 50% in this time frame with most people spending 85% or more time in a given week on email, in meetings, and on the phone. There are positive outcomes of this new way of working: Companies more seamlessly serve demanding clients, and individuals are able to craft jobs with meaning. But a significant (and unmanaged) consequence of this new landscape is the un-abating collaborative work load, which is hurting company performance and employee effectiveness and well-being.

In this new world of work, networks of collaboration have become central to both organizational effectiveness and personal success. Yet despite the centrality of networks to performance, most leaders do not manage this asset well and often have no transparency into the main thing people do all day long: collaborate with others. Leading in a Connected World addresses organizational, team and individual collaborative drivers of effectiveness in today’s networked economy. The course is thoroughly evidence-based, drawing on more than two decades of research in over 300 organizations. At each step, it will focus not only on drivers of effectiveness but also on equipping you with analytic tools (e.g., Organizational Network Analysis) and best practice guides (e.g., Team Agility, Personal Effectiveness) that you can deploy immediately in your organization or as a differentiating skill in interviews.

Prerequisites: None

STR6100: Strategy

Credits 3

MOB6100 Strategy

MSEL Course

3 Credits

The goal of this course is to develop knowledge and skills needed to understand and evaluate a firm’s strategy as an analyst, recommend future strategic actions as a consultant, and manage the strategic direction of a firm as a manager. By the end of the course, students will: become familiar with the analytical tools used to perform dynamic industry analyses; discover how competitors’ different competitive positionings respond to, and build on, industry structures; understand the nature of competitive dynamics in an industry; discover the link between competitive positioning, internal capabilities, and business model development; understand the specificities of competing in a variety of industries and countries simultaneously; and develop the ability to search for, identify, and research diverse strategic issues, challenges and opportunities, and to design and develop innovative solutions. An important part of the course is devoted to a real-life consulting project, in which students work as a team to develop a strategic recommendation for a partner firm.

STR7500: Strategy Execution

Credits 3

STR7500 Strategy Execution
 3 Credits 

This course in Strategy Execution is designed to introduce students to the complexity, and challenges associated with implementing a developed strategy into both emerging and existing markets. There are three major objectives in the course. 

1. The first is to help students articulate a philosophy designed to guide in successfully executing strategic initiatives. Here, you will explore the concepts of intended versus emergent strategy, the operating environment versus the executing environment and the various levers of power available to managers to utilize in the successful execution of business-level strategy. 

2. The second objective is to explore both successful and unsuccessful firm-level strategy executions. Using the case method, we will explore the various levers of power available to managers analyzing and critiquing the outcomes of various firms’ efforts to execute a business level strategic initiative. 

3. The third objective is in two parts. The first part is to give students hands-on experience via an online simulation in strategy execution. Strategy execution is best learned by doing.  The intent is to expose students to the complexities of strategy implementation where information is incomplete and unanticipated challenges to implementing a strategy emerge from unexpected sources.  Students learn to prioritize, work within tight time schedules, learn to cope with limited resources, and respond to unexpected demands.  The second part is to fully demonstrate your understanding of the complex relationships that characterize strategy execution during the final exam. 

For more information:

Prerequisites: MOB7202 or MOB7801 or STR7800

STR7501: Moonshot Innov:strat Behind Leaps in Prog

Credits 3

STR7501: Moonshot Innovation: The Strategies Behind Giant Leaps in Progress

3 credits

This course will give Babson graduate students a deeper understanding of how a strategic approach to “moonshot” innovations can solve significant societal challenges. We will explore several historical examples, focusing on the original and emergent strategies and technologies, the characteristics of successful teams, and the role of strategic problem-solving. Today’s world faces seemingly insurmountable challenges: rapid climate change, and income inequality at the top of a growing list. Businesses have been faulted for contributing to these challenges but are also considered essential partners in finding solutions. Understanding the strategies that organizations and individuals can apply in solving today’s “moonshot” challenges requires us to deconstruct the strategic approaches of those who solved the seemingly insurmountable challenges of their day. This course will examine past moonshots to learn the strategies, innovations, and processes that enable teams to achieve what most thought impossible. We will also look at failed moonshot efforts and explore how businesses and entrepreneurs can avoid their fate as they apply their energy and efforts to address today’s challenges.

STR7502: Strategy&economic Disruption in Iceland

Credits 3

STR 7502: Strategy and Economic Disruption in Iceland

3 credits

Iceland's economic and business systems have faced multiple disruptive events. In 2008, the nation allowed its entire banking system to fail amid the Great Recession. As elsewhere, the COVID-19 Pandemic forced many businesses to innovate and adapt rapidly, and the following resurgence and further growth of tourism and recreation are rapidly displacing traditional fishing and agricultural economies. The nation's unique geography also presents unique challenges against natural disasters while providing the opportunity of abundant green energy. Throughout these disruptions, business owners and entrepreneurs have remained ahead of the curve and continuously innovated and adapted to changing situations while leading the world in renewable energy and gender equity. This course involves an interdisciplinary approach toward understanding strategy, economics, and entrepreneurship amid disruption and what successful business leaders have done to continually adapt and find new opportunities in a rapidly and drastically changing environment. Students will attend orientation and debriefing sessions before and after a 10-day study tour to Reykjavik, where they will meet and learn from business leaders and entrepreneurs.

STR7504: Mysteries, Puzzles and Imagination

Credits 3

STR7504 Mysteries, Puzzles, and Imagination
3 Elective Credits

The course will help you learn how to think insightfully and become a skilled problem solver. Excelling in both is essential for success, no matter what your choice of career. Employers routinely rank critical thinking and problem solving as prized skills that are difficult to find in business school graduates. A rising number of companies now look for these skills using case interviews.

We will solve problems that are puzzles and mysteries, and we will slay problems that are wicked. Wicked problems are messy, multifaceted, lack sufficient information, and are difficult to solve. It is easy to get them wrong, especially under time pressure. Using various techniques and ways to think, we will learn to frame problems well to make sense of messy, ambiguous situations; identify needed evidence without wasting time on irrelevant information, draw upon different business disciplines but not be limited by any, find the story in numbers, use judgment, be original, and so much more.

The course has a workshop format to emphasize in-class exercises and practice. We will minimize the use of conventional cases (14 pages of text and many more with exhibits). Instead, to simulate case interviews and workplace realities, we will use cryptic cases and live cases.

Few business schools teach problem solving rigorously. Acquiring this skill will differentiate you in the job market, prepare you for doing well in case interviews, and position you for success in your career of choice.

Prerequisites: None

STR7508: International Consulting Experience

Credits 3

MFE 7508: International Consulting Experience

3 Credits

Learn and apply the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to become a successful consultant in a global context. In mixed small teams of undergraduate and graduate students, experience what it is like to work directly with an international startup company, at the decision maker level. Make an impact providing strategic advice, working on global environmental, social, and economic challenges. Receive guidance from the faculty advisor while learning about the local culture, economy, and historical & current business trends that impact your client’s business. Conduct and analyze primary and secondary research and present your findings and recommendations to the client. Each project is unique and influenced by the current business climate.

Application Required through Glavin Office

STR7509: Decisions

Credits 3

STR7509 Decisions, Decisions, Decisions - How Managers Make Good and Bad Choices
3 Credits

MBA students are exposed to a wide variety of concepts and tools which should enable them to make intelligent decisions. However, the decision-making performance of corporate managers, most of them trained in these concepts and tools, is very uneven.

This course will seek to enable a student to understand some key factors that can influence the quality of decision making. Using case examples from both business and government, the course will build on a basic understanding of analysis and decision making to expose participants to the circumstances that can limit the effectiveness of the techniques they have learned and help them understand the challenges they will face as members of leadership teams making complex choices throughout their careers. Students will also learn about the factors involved in providing information for decision-making, and the roles that information technology plays in decision situations.

At the conclusion of the course, students will have an appreciation for the factors they will encounter in leadership roles and the methods they can employ to ensure that they contribute to the making of good decisions. Their exposure to the broad topics presented should also acquaint them with areas which may draw their interest for more intensive study in specific academic disciplines.

Prerequisites: None

STR7513: Management Consulting

Credits 3

STR7513 Management Consulting
3 Credits

Elite armies of management consultants are at work advising companies ranging from the Fortune 500 to mid-sized Private Equity portfolio companies across all industries (and government) addressing such topics as market attractiveness, mergers & acquisitions, business strategy, operating and cost efficiencies, information/data management, human performance, and development/coaching of leadership. The over 700,000 firms (globally) that comprise this $250 Billion industry, employing the best students from leading business schools, use proprietary methodologies and tools to deliver real shareholder value to their clients. The objective of this course is to introduce to those students who seek to compete and prosper by addressing exigent business issues—that cannot be solved by leading firms without assistance from credentialed consultants—the skills necessary to be successful in the management consulting industry. This will be accomplished by reviewing the content and process frameworks and methodologies used by leading consulting firms, inculcating the perspective of the client when addressing challenging business issues, and helping students consider some of the career and lifestyle issues inherent in a consulting career. Topics will be introduced in facilitated discussions, in-class exercises, cases, and some selected pre-readings. In addition, there will be a group project—using client materials from a real company with which I was involved prior to coming to Babson—that will replicate a “typical” consulting project.

For more information click this link:

Co-requisites: MOB7202 or MOB7801

STR7531: Strategy & the Ceo

Credits 3

STR7531 Strategy & the CEO
3 Elective Credits 

Today’s CEOs are viewed either as visionaries and corporate wizards, or liabilities and dead weight leading their organizations to stagnation or ruin. Society and investors increasingly look to the CEO as responsible for a company’s strategy and its overall performance. How should CEOs approach their jobs? What are the things only the CEO can do? What are the characteristics of a good CEO?

By examining the role of the CEO, this course aims to deepen our understanding of strategy and leadership. We will bring the CEO perspective into the classroom – through regular guest CEOs, videos and case discussions – and outside of class through live interaction with the leader of your own organization or another of your choosing. Hear directly from CEOs how they think about strategy, what is different about their current role from previous functional leadership positions, and what they have struggled with or been surprised by in the job. Think through the intersection of strategy and leadership through case-based discussions and a simulation in which you play the role of CEO. 

At the end of the course, students will have a deeper, more hands-on view of strategy and organizational leadership. Students will learn how taking a “CEO perspective” can improve decision-making, problem solving and one’s leadership profile at any level of an organization. 

For more information:

Prerequisites: None (strongly recommended to take Strategy (MOB7801 or STR 7800) first)

STR7552: Leading Business Turnarounds

Credits 3

STR7552 Leading Business Turnarounds

(Formerly MOB7552)

3 Credits

**Students who took this as MOB7552 cannot register for this course.**

How (and why) does one catch a falling knife? The Leading Business Turnarounds course will address the strategic, financial, operational and organizational issues confronting senior executives managing a turnaround situation. It is intended to: impart the practical knowledge needed to assess the business and financial severity of a turnaround candidate; develop an action plan to address the immediate crisis conditions facing the organization; define how to evaluate and build the necessary management team to implement the mid-term stabilization plan; define the exit strategy options (sale, bankruptcy, shutdown, or revitalization) to be pursued; and create a communication plan for the critical stakeholders affected by corporate distress. Turnaround leadership styles and actions will be investigated. Students will develop familiarity with the management and organizational assessment tools used in turnaround situations. They also will understand the financial and managerial actions necessary for developing and implementing sound turnaround strategies. Importantly, organizational implications of these plans will be probed and discussed, with focus given on how people are affected by management's actions. Finally, students will learn situational turnaround leadership techniques for use in different turnaround situations.

For more information:

Prerequisites: FIN7200 or FIN7800 and MOB7202 or MOB7801 or STR 7800

STR7559: Global Strategic Management

Credits 3

STR7559 Global Strategic Management
3 Credits

This course is the only required course for those who seek a Global Management Concentration (Requirement A). The course aims at understanding the development and implementation of broad global strategies by businesses. The course expands students' strategic thinking and combines it with a global perspective. The strategic elements include business systems analysis, competitive strategies, key success factors, and strategic imperatives. We will look at a number of issues relevant to international business such as global opportunity analysis, market(s) selection, assessing international competitors, selecting generic or complex global strategies, geographic priority setting, resource allocation across geographies and products, global functional strategies, and organizational implications. Students learn to develop global strategies, paying attention to their implementation through organizational innovations such as fostering a global mindset within the organization and using global strategic alliances. Teaching is discussion driven and involves case analysis.

For more information:

Prerequisites: MOB 7202 or MOB 7801 or STR 7800

STR7580: Independent Research

Credits 3

STR7580 Independent Research

1.5-3 Credits

Independent research is available for all academic divisions. Registration is manual for students through Graduate Programs and Office of Graduate Academic Services.

Independent Research provides an opportunity to conduct in-depth research in areas of a student's own specific interest. Students may undertake Independent Research for academic credit with the approval of a student-selected faculty advisor, the appropriate division chair, and Graduate Academic Services. Please note that a student is responsible for recruiting a faculty advisor through the student's own initiative and obtain the advisor's prior consent/commitment before applying for an independent research project. The research project normally carries 1.5 or 3 credits.

For more information and a proposal outline please visit:

STR7800: Strategy

Credits 2

STR7800 Strategy

2 Credits (Core MBA)

If you have taken and passed MOB7202/MOB7801, you cannot register for STR7800 as these courses are equivalent

This integrative course focuses on strategic and competitive analysis to enable entrepreneurial action. How can we identify the main strategic issues facing our company? How should we position our business strategically to compete effectively? What sources of competitive advantage can we create, exploit and sustain? What capabilities do we need to launch the business, grow the business, and adapt successfully to changes in the environment? Students will need to demonstrate that they can write coherently about strategic developments and options.