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Attendance, Absence, or Conflicts
Instructors will choose if they would like to give a final exam, final project, or other final deliverable. If a final exam is given, it will take place during the last class meeting. Please refer to the course syllabus for more information about the final exam or deliverable. Permission to miss a final exam must be obtained before the exam, from the Office of Graduate Academic Services and the faculty member, in cases with extenuating circumstances.
Such extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to:
- serious illness supported by a doctor’s certification
- death in the immediate family
- observance of a religious holiday (see Religious Observance for more)
The following are not considered extenuating circumstances:
- oversleeping,
- travel
- disabled vehicles, or
- misunderstanding the schedule
A student who has two exams scheduled at the same time or more than six hours of exams scheduled for one day may arrange for a revision of their schedule by contacting the Registrar’s Office and completing the Final Exam Conflict form. The Final Exam Conflict form must be turned in to the Registrar’s Office no later than one week before the final exam period begins.
Exam Accommodations
To ensure exam accommodations can be arranged in a timely manner, students must discuss exam arrangements with the faculty at the start of each course. If determined that the student will not take the exam with faculty, the student and faculty should work with DAS to make exam arrangements. Accessibility Services will coordinate exam logistics with student, faculty, and Graduate Academic Services.
The exam structure will vary depending on the Graduate program and the preference of the faculty.
- Online Exam: The faculty will provide students approved for exam accommodations the extra time online. If faculty have questions about how to set up the “extra time exam” on Canvas, faculty should call the Faculty Support line at 781-239-5400.
- On-campus Exam: The faculty may make exam arrangements privately with the student; or, the faculty and the student may ask Accessibility Services to coordinate exam accommodations. These requests must be submitted at the start of the course to ensure exam arrangements in a timely manner.