MKT9502: Pricing in the Information Industries

Academic Unit
Credits 1.50

MKT9502 Pricing in the Information Industries
1.5 Intensive Elective Credits

Pricing as a managerial discipline draws on many domains of knowledge – economics, consumer behavior, marketing, strategy, managerial accounting, law, and so on – and, as customers or as managers, we all have some experience in the taking and/or setting of prices. In this context, offerings of the information (read “content”) industries present an interesting challenge since intuition, conventional rules of thumb, traditional models, and plain-vanilla theories do not immutably apply. With this as backdrop, the 1.5-credit “Pricing in the Information Industries” intensive course offering will focus on five topics: (1) pricing principles, (2) pricing and information products, (3) product-line pricing, (4) pricing and bundling, and (5) pricing in the presence of network effects.

Prerequisites: MKT7200 or MKT7800 or equivalent core

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