QTM9515 Introduction to Data Science
(Formerly Introduction to Data Science and Business Analytics)
1.5 Intensive Elective Credits
This course is an introduction to data science – the science of iterative exploration of data that can be used to gain insights and optimize business processes. The course is set up as a journey through the data analytics lifecycle of a project based on an actual company and introduces predictive analytics techniques in the context of real-world applications from diverse business areas. A map of applications and an overview is provided for advanced methods for data visualization, logistic regression, decision tree learning methods, clustering, and association rules. The course utilizes the advanced visualization software Tableau, the free open-source statistical modeling language R, and various other tools like cloud computing to gain insights from data. The case studies include data sets from a variety of industries and companies, including financial planning startups, online retailers, telecommunications companies, and healthcare organizations.
Prerequisites: QTM7200 or QTM7800
QTM9515: Introduction to Data Science
Academic Unit