EPS9553 Family Business to Next Stage of Growth
1.5 Credits
Meeting Dates TBD
Drop Deadline TBD
Growth is the necessary condition for a trans-generational enterprising family. This course will explore the challenges and complexity of growth in the generational context of the family. The inflection point question, _How do we take the family business to the next stage of growth?_ requires that families discover the _power of f_ in wealth creation. The question of growth raises additional questions for reflection and conversation:
Do you have a compelling multi-generational vision for growth?
What is the difference between an enterprising family and traditional family business?
What are the constraints to growth in your family business?
How does the family context create a unique _entrepreneurship to the power of f_?
What is your _power of f_ familiness advance performance model?
How does your governance support or constrain growth?
How do your planning capabilities support growth?
How do you align the family risk profile for growth?
What do you do if family shareholders don't want to grow (but don't know it)?
How do you establish an ownership strategic options continuum to support growth?
The Inflection Point Question Course is a Friday/Saturday _family retreat_ format that provides personalized coaching to participants based upon their individual family cases - family members are welcome to join students. The Goal is to stimulate deeper personal and professional Reflection…facilitate peer collegial Conversation…set participants up for Collaborative decision making in the family…and lead to an action plan for Execution by the students on their goals.