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OIM9521: Innovation Processes

Credits 1.50

OIM9521 Innovation Processes
1.5 Intensive Elective Credits

Over the past two decades, a combination of changes in political, technological, and cultural arenas have dramatically affected the way in which companies, organizations, and individuals innovate.  In this course, we will explore the critical parameters of various innovation processes, learn about their advantages and disadvantages, and compare the contexts in which these processes operate.  The goal of this course is to develop an understanding of what it takes to design and operate various innovation processes.

In the first offering of the course, the emphasis will be placed on open innovation processes, design thinking and lean start-up, and coordination issues of complex innovation processes. This course is positioned between our existing offerings Product Design and Development (MOB-7555), which provides an in-depth experience on the project level, and Leading Innovation: Creating Organic Growth (MOB-9525), which discusses managerial and strategic challenges on the firm level in the context of industry and competition.  In contrast, the new course Innovation Processes will focus on the mechanisms of how design and manage effective innovation processes.

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