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A&L - Accounting and Law


ACC6110: Resource Planning and Control

Credits 2

ACC6110 Resource Planning and Control

(Formerly Managerial Accounting)

MSEL Course

1.5 Credits

This course empowers students with the quantitative skills and logical analysis required to evaluate the financial feasibility of strategic opportunities such as entering new markets, pursuing new customers, or introducing new products or processes. Managerial Accounting methods are also used to construct profitable business models for new or existing ventures. Asking the simple questions “What is the business model?” and “How will this strategy create a return for the owners?” the course emphasizes that financial analysis should be performed ex ante to screen ideas so entrepreneurs and organizations can get maximum value from their resources. While cases in this course are primarily focused on profit-seeking entities, managerial accounting skills may be successfully applied to any venture with an imperative to accomplish challenging strategic goals while using resources efficiently.

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ACC7200: Financial Reporting

Credits 2

ACC7200 Financial Reporting

2 Credits

Financial Reporting (FINACC) - Whether you are starting your own business, working in the not-for-profit sector, managing your personal finances, or working for a large corporation, you will need to be able to incorporate financial information into your decision making process. The purpose of this course is to review the concepts surrounding financial reporting and to emphasize the importance of being an informed user of financial information. Financial reports will also be analyzed across companies, industries, and countries, providing linkages to entrepreneurial and strategic decision making. The course also addresses the ethical responsibility managers have to carry out their fiduciary responsibility to all stakeholders of the company, including the growth in corporate social responsibility reporting and how companies are incorporating this information into their reports and websites.

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ACC7201: Measuring and Managing Strategic Performance

Credits 2

ACC7201 Measuring & Managing Strategic Performance

2 Credits

Measuring & Managing Strategic Performance (MMSP) – This course is focused on the connection between strategy execution and profitability. Students develop skills in quantitatively-grounded logical analysis in order to be able to:

o Judge the financial feasibility of plans for launching new businesses or for redesigning existing ones.
o Grow profitable and sustainable ventures.
o Create business models that make money.

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ACC7503: Designing a Business for Profitability

Credits 3

ACC7503 Designing a Business for Profitability
3 Elective Credits

If you have taken and passed ACC7201, you cannot register for ACC7503, as these two courses are equivalent

This course is focused on the connection between strategy execution and profitability. Students develop skills in quantitatively grounded logical analysis in order to be able to:

- Judge the financial feasibility of plans for launching new businesses or for redesigning existing ones.
- Grow profitable and sustainable ventures.
- Create business models that make money.
- Integrate analytics and Industry 4.0 concepts to make business decisions.

Prerequisites: None

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ACC7577: Finance and Accounting As Competitive Tools

Credits 3

ACC7577 Finance for Non-Financial Professionals
3 Elective Credits

This finance course bridges the gap between functional business knowledge and practical financial information. By connecting your company strategy to its financial implications, you increase the value of your organization and become a more effective business leader. Topics covered include: understanding financial statements, using finance to improve decision-making, projecting cashflows, and assessing organizational performance. The curriculum focuses on universal business problems that are specific to your needs, and teaches you how to immediately apply that information in ways that are relevant to your job.

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ACC7800: Financial and Sustainability Reporting

Credits 2

ACC7800 Financial and Sustainability Reporting
(Formerly Financial Reporting)
2 Credits (Core MBA)

If you have taken and passed ACC7200, you cannot register for ACC7800, as these two courses are equivalent

The purpose of this course is to review the concepts surrounding financial and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting and to emphasize the importance of being an informed user of financial and ESG information for any entrepreneurial leader. Whether you are involved in an existing business or starting your own, working in the not-for-profit sector or managing your personal finances, you will need to be able to incorporate financial information into your decision-making process. We will be constructing financial statements, analyzing them across companies and industries, and providing linkages to entrepreneurial and strategic decision making. We will also be exploring how the reporting of ESG factors integrates with financial reports to provide useful information for evaluating risks and the long-term sustainability of a business.

**It is strongly recommended that students complete this course prior to taking FIN7800**

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LAW6110: Law

Credits 2

LAW6110 Law

MSEL Course

1.5 Credits

This course provides an overview of essential legal content for any entrepreneur, including (1) business formation, (2) contracts, (3) intellectual property, (4) liability issues (torts), and (5) agency (employment law and related issues), with an emphasis on developing students’ abilities to ask astute questions. This course is integrated into the LEAP experience, so that students will explore these legal concepts in the context of their LEAP projects.

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LAW7200: Law

Credits 1

LAW7200 Law

1 Credit

This course teaches students to create business structures and make business decisions that effectively manage legal issues in order to create and capture value for their business while managing law-related risks.

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LAW7515: Law for Entrepreneurial Success

Credits 2

LAW7515 Law for Entrepreneurial Success
1.5 Credits

For the entrepreneurial leader, law is an essential lens for seeing risks and opportunities - and for helping to ideate and realize plans. This course will equip you to see, plan, and act with legal astuteness.

This course features a customizable learning experience that allows you to focus on the industry and country of your choosing. It will require speaking with an entrepreneur or manager at a company or your family business that has dealt with legal issues. This will allow you to develop an appreciation for how law can help to not only minimize risk, but actually see opportunities, grow, and create more value.

This course features a review of generalizable legal essentials for any entrepreneur, including (1) business formation, (2) contracts, (3) intellectual property, (4) liability issues (torts), and (5) agency (employment law and related issues).

Class meetings will focus upon (1) practice with issue-spotting in typical “real life” scenarios, (2) guest speakers who will speak to the value of legal astuteness as part of the toolkit of the well-equipped entrepreneurial leader, and (3) a check-in and then presentation of lessons learned acquired from the customized learning experience.

This course is designed for both students who plan to work in the U.S., and those who plan to work in another country or internationally.

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LAW7580: Independent Research

Credits 3

LAW7580 Independent Research
1.5-3 Credits

Independent research is available for all academic divisions. Registration is manual for students through Graduate Programs and Office of Graduate Academic Services.

Independent Research provides an opportunity to conduct in-depth research in areas of a student's own specific interest. Students may undertake Independent Research for academic credit with the approval of a student-selected faculty advisor, the appropriate division chair, and Graduate Academic Services. Please note that a student is responsible for recruiting a faculty advisor through the student's own initiative and obtain the advisor's prior consent/commitment before applying for an independent research project. The research project normally carries 1.5 or 3 credits.

For more information and a proposal outline please visit:

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